Culture Loom

Established in the Eastern Townships, Loom Culture is a family business that locally produces medicinal and gourmet mushrooms, specialized in Lion's Maine and Reishi.

Now recognized as a catalyst for nerve cells growth, Lion's Maine is being studied as a natural medecine to protect against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


Loom Culture inc.

Project Scope

Identité visuelle,

Direction artistique

Direction créative,



Display of a stamp, a box with a Loom Teinture and envelops branded by Loom.
For medical advancement.
Against toxicity.

Complementing Lion's Maine, Reishi is a world-renowned mushroom, used for centuries in traditional oriental medicine. It is mainly used for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Multiple Loom bottle spread on a blue surface.
Loom logo plan seeing all the anchor points in the shape.
3 Bottles containing Lion's Mane mushroom.
Organic components spread on a blue surface. On top, it display a stamp and a paper.
A black surface with a stamp, a bowl containing mushroom and a pad with paper branded Loom.
Yellow surface with 3 rectangles. The represent the labels on Loom product.
2D Illustration of a Loom bottle.
3 orange rounded mushrooms.
Loom business card.
2D illustration of a jar, a paper bag and a bottle. All Loom products.
Loom furnitures. Stamp, bottle, business cards, packaging and a letter are displayed on a black surface.

A paper bag containing Lion's Mane mushroom.

Rédacteur : Charles Dumas

Réalisation : Gabrielle Gagné

Adjoint au réalisateur : Aristide Duvalon

DP : Stéphane Lapuck

Montage : Antoine Bouchard

Musique originale : Kendrick Lamar

Conception sonore : Drake

Loom Culture

More Beauty

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